Test Page: Default

This is a test page! Here is a meme...

A humorous Far Side cartoon, by Gary Larson

Well, it's not really a meme. It's a Far Side cartoon, by Gary Larson.

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Click here to go to PoemsILike.com...

Test Blog

Not A Real Blog


August 11, 2024 2122 hours

Success! I can hardly believe that I got it to do what I wanted it to do!

I can hardly believe that I remember how to spell the word success. I remember that I learned it from watching a TV commercial when I was a kid. It was trying to get people to go to community college, or trade school or something. They sang the word...S-U-C-C-E-S-S, Success!!! Man, when I look at it spelled out like that, though, it looks totally wrong.

Oh well. At least I got the card function to work!


A Title for the Article

August 11, 2024 2111 hours

This isn't really an article. It's just some text for me to enter in so that I can test out my columns.

I don't have any confidence whatsoever that I have figured out how to do this properly. I'm just rolling with something I found while searching the internet. I suppose that I should take the time to sit down and actually learn how to do things, but I'm just too lazy.
